Open post
Buenos Aires, Argentina


French fries have their mayonnaise or ketchup. Duck has its cranberry sauce. Chicken has its wine sauce. And steak has, according to the Argentinians, chimichurri. This sauce isn't only perfect with a steak but also with beef in general and game meat. In my opinion it is one of the most versatile and delicious meat sauce there is.
This is though my interpretation of the recipe. But then again every "madre" in Argentina has its own so there isn't really an official one.

- big bunch of oregano (fresh is better then dried)
- big bunch of parsley (same as above)
- a few twigs of rosemary (same as above)
- oil (olive oil or just normal vegetable oil, I don't think you will taste that much of a difference)
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 4-5 lemons (juice only) most people use vinagre over here. I'm not a big fan of it so I use lemon juice
- salt
- pepper
- chili (either dried or a fresh rawit or even a jalapeño) (add how spicy you want it)
- water

- now when it comes to quantities you need 1/3 of water 1/3 of oil and 1/3 of acidity. I used 200 ml of water, 200 ml of oil and 200 ml of lemon juice
- chop the oregano, parsley, rosemary, garlic and the chili and add all to the liquid mixture
- season to taste and if it's too acidic add more oil or water
- leave it in the fridge overnight to get the best result

Use the sauce with a steak or actually any kind of meat 😉

Open post
Miramar, Argentina

Eggplant conserve

Argentina is a country that wants to stay independent  and not use products from abroad. That's why everyone is dependent on local produce and seasons. And what's better to enjoy fruit and vegetables that are out if season than conserves.
Fruit is typically used to make a marmalade and vegetables are boiled in vinegar with spices and later on used on bread. Especially cooking in vinegar was a bit of a strange technique for us and even a more surprising result. Now eggplant conserve is our absolute favorite conserve which we would like to share:)

- 4 big eggplants
- salt
- vinegar
- water
- a few garlic toes
- oregano fresh or dry
- Chili powder or fresh chili
- oil

- peel the eggplants and cut them in about 1.5 cm thick slices
- lay them flat and put salt on them to extract water and bitterness from them
- after 20 min remove all the water from the eggplant with some kitchen towel
- make a solution of about 200 ml vinegar to 20 ml water in a pan and bring to a boil
- boil the slices of eggplant in the solution until they are translucent and cooked
- put the cooked slices into a glass pot add oregano, slices of garlic, Chili powder, some salt and pepper and cover it with oil let it cool off and put it in the fridge overnight
- put the delicious slices onto a piece of bread with cheese


If you want to be able to store it for a longer period you should, before adding the eggplant slices to the jar, either put the jar in boiling water for 10 min or use some alcohol (around 70%) to kill all the germs